张硕. “华亭鹤唳”之“华亭”考释[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 55-57.
    引用本文: 张硕. “华亭鹤唳”之“华亭”考释[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 55-57.
    ZHANG Shuo. A Study and Interpretation of “Huating” in Crane’s Whooping in Huating[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 55-57.
    Citation: ZHANG Shuo. A Study and Interpretation of “Huating” in Crane’s Whooping in Huating[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 55-57.


    A Study and Interpretation of “Huating” in Crane’s Whooping in Huating

    • 摘要: 西晋陆机在罹难之际,曾云:“华亭鹤唳,岂可复闻乎?”后人将此言与秦相李斯“上蔡之犬”的典故对举,故后人有“上蔡之犬,不戒于前;华亭鹤唳,方悔于后”的感慨。上蔡是李斯的故乡,但华亭与陆机、陆氏家族有何联系研究者们一直存在着争议。因此,考证“华亭”的地理位置,了解其沿革演变,揭示它与陆氏家族之间的关系,就显得十分必要了。


      Abstract: When LU Ji faced his death in West Jin Dynasty, he sighed, “Can I hear the whooping of cranes of Huating?” Later, people compared it to the classic story “dog of Shangcai” of LI Si, prime minister of Qin Dynasty. Therefore, people have their emotional sigh “If people don’t take a lesson from LI Si’s story, they will regret when they get in trouble like LU Ji”. We know Shangcai was the LI’s hometown, but the relationship between Huating and LU Ji and his family has been in dispute. Therefore, it is necessary for scholars to research into Huating’s location and know its evolution in order to reveal its relation with LU’s family.


