杨诗云. 张大千书画题款分析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 16-20.
    引用本文: 杨诗云. 张大千书画题款分析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (7): 16-20.
    YANG Shi yun. An Analysis of ZHANG Da-qian’s Autographs on His Paintings[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 16-20.
    Citation: YANG Shi yun. An Analysis of ZHANG Da-qian’s Autographs on His Paintings[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (7): 16-20.


    An Analysis of ZHANG Da-qian’s Autographs on His Paintings

    • 摘要: 张大千书画题款格式保持传统题款方式的同时,自有其创造。尤其在题写的称谓和谦(敬)词上特别考究,赠与一般关系的作品和非寻常关系的作品之间的题署称谓和谦(敬)词有很大差别。研究其题款可以窥见大千本人与受画者之间的某种特殊关系,同时也是鉴定张大千书画作品真伪的佐证之一。


      Abstract: The styles of autographs by ZHANG Daqian are characterized with reservation of tradition as well as his own creation. And they are special in appellation and honorifics. There are obvious differences of tittles and honorifics between the works donated to common people and those to people who were in close relationship with him. The study of his autograph styles can help to see the relationship between ZHANG and the donated and identify ZHANG’s calligraphic and painting works.


