Chin Ping-mei as a Sexual Novel : On Omni-bearing Revelation of Acolasia in Late Ming Dynasty
摘要: 《金瓶梅》不是写社会黑暗、官场腐败的反封建反腐败的政治小说,也不是写新兴商人悲剧的经济小说。《金瓶梅》是一部性小说,是全方位揭示晚明社会性纵欲风气的性小说。它在中国性文化史上、中国古代小说史上、小说艺术发展史上、中国社会发展史上,具有很高的价值。Abstract: Chin Ping mei is neither a political novel which describes the dark society and corrupted officials and opposes feudalism and corruption, nor the one about economy which describes the tragedy of the new-rising merchants. Instead, it is a sexual novel, which reveals omnibearing acolasia tone of the society of late Ming Dynasty. It is of great value in history of Chinese sexual culture, ancient Chinese novels, novelistic art development, and social development of China.