张宗书, 王 苏. 深度休闲活动对成功老化的影响研究——以四川德阳市老年冬泳队为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 113-117.
    引用本文: 张宗书, 王 苏. 深度休闲活动对成功老化的影响研究——以四川德阳市老年冬泳队为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 113-117.
    ZHANG Zong-shu, WANG Su. Research on the Effects of In-depth Leisure Sports upon Successful Aging ——A Case Study of the Senior Winter Swimmers Team of Deyang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 113-117.
    Citation: ZHANG Zong-shu, WANG Su. Research on the Effects of In-depth Leisure Sports upon Successful Aging ——A Case Study of the Senior Winter Swimmers Team of Deyang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 113-117.


    Research on the Effects of In-depth Leisure Sports upon Successful Aging ——A Case Study of the Senior Winter Swimmers Team of Deyang

    • 摘要: 借鉴Rowe和Kahn对成功老化的定义,以加拿大学者Stebbins提出的“深度休闲”概念为基础,以德阳市老年冬泳队为例,对这些具有深度休闲活动行为的老年人进行深度访谈,运用扎根理论研究范式,探究了深度休闲行为对老年群体成功老化的影响.主要结论为:通过深度休闲赋予老年休闲活动参与者“身体健康”、“积极情感”、“归属感”等利益的方式,促进了老龄者在生理层面、心理层面和社会层面的成功老化.深度休闲;成功老化;老年群体;德阳市


      Abstract: By absorption of the definition proposed by Rowe and Kahn and based on the concept of in-depth leisure sports suggested by Stebbins, a Canadian scholar, an in-depth interview is carried out among the senior swimmers on the winter swimming team of Deyang. And by application of grounded theory paradigm, an exploration is made into the effects of in-depth leisure sports upon elderly people's successful ageing, which brings us to the following conclusions: the in-depth leisure sports, by means of giving the elderly participants the sense of physical health, positive feelings and the sense of belonging, promote their successful ageing whether in terms of the physical, mental or social well-being.


