李达伟, 胡小丽, 古礼艳. 我国职业运动员诚信缺失研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 88-91.
    引用本文: 李达伟, 胡小丽, 古礼艳. 我国职业运动员诚信缺失研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 88-91.
    LI Da-wei, HU Xiao-li, GU Li-yan. A Probe into the Lack of Good Faith among Chinese Sports Professionals[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 88-91.
    Citation: LI Da-wei, HU Xiao-li, GU Li-yan. A Probe into the Lack of Good Faith among Chinese Sports Professionals[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 88-91.


    A Probe into the Lack of Good Faith among Chinese Sports Professionals

    • 摘要: 从运动员诚信缺失事件研究的视角出发,通过梳理近年我国运动员诚信缺失事件得知:运动员诚信缺失事件涉及体育管理人员、教练员、运动员家人等多个群体;剖析诚信缺失事件的成因及其对体育事业的严重危害;并指出这种行为是属于践踏体育诚信的欺骗行为,是对体育精神亵渎,它不仅影响体育的公平竞赛原则,而且导致中国体育的形象受损.


      Abstract: The frequent lack-of-good-faith instances among Chinese sports professionals have attracted increasingly wider concern in recent years. A thorough investigation into these instances reveals that the sports managerial personnel, the coaches and the family members of an athlete have all played a part in such disgraceful incidents. A cause analysis is made and the harm the lack of good faith does to the sports cause is elaborated and concludes that such occurrences will eventually pose severe threat to the Chinese sports image as a whole.


