潘 超. 教师专业自我成长及其发展模型[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 84-87.
    引用本文: 潘 超. 教师专业自我成长及其发展模型[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 84-87.
    PAN Chao. Teachers’ Professional Self-growth and Its Development Model[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 84-87.
    Citation: PAN Chao. Teachers’ Professional Self-growth and Its Development Model[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 84-87.


    Teachers’ Professional Self-growth and Its Development Model

    • 摘要: 教师专业自我成长是教师在自主意识和专业信念下的专业成长历程.它是教师专业化发展的重要内容,属于内驱型教师专业成长形式,具有主体性、自觉性、有序性、差异性等特点,包含教学、学习、研究三大要素;由“教学圈”、“学习圈”、“研究圈”动态地构建了教师专业自我成长的教学、学、研发展模型,该模型表明了教师专业自我成长的三大要素的关联,指明了教师的专业成长的三个层级关系,解释了各层级上发展的教师类型.


      Abstract: Teachers‘professional self-growth is a course of teachers’ professional growth in self-awareness and professional beliefs. It constitutes the principal part of teachers professional development, belonging to the-inner drive mode of growth that is characteristic of subjectivity, self-consciousness, orderliness, and otherness and it includes three essential elements of teaching, learning, research. The “JXY” model is built dynamically based on the “Teaching field”, “Learning field ”, and “Researching field”. The model reflects the association of the three elements of teachers’ professional self-growth, indicating the hierarchical relationship of the three teachers’ professional growth, and explains the type of teachers at different development levels.


