高丽. 一种基于单片机智能差压变送器的设计[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 29-32.
    引用本文: 高丽. 一种基于单片机智能差压变送器的设计[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 29-32.
    GAO Li. A MCU-Based Design of Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 29-32.
    Citation: GAO Li. A MCU-Based Design of Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 29-32.


    A MCU-Based Design of Smart Differential Pressure Transmitter

    • 摘要: 为了弥补市面上变送器量程、单位和输出电流范围单一的缺陷,介绍一种基于单片机的智能差压变送器,设计由霍尼韦尔公司生产的24PC系列压力传感器和日本NEC公司生产的78F0513DA单片机为核心组成.此智能差压变送器可以迅速测量出空气或非腐蚀气体的压力,变送器自带的拨码开关和一键清零按钮使量程重设、单位选择、零点校正均可在现场实现.根据不同的客户需求,还可以设置不同的电流输出范围,具有运行可靠、输出精度高等优点.


      Abstract: In order to remedy the defects like the unitary measurement range, unit, and output current, which are commonly seen in the current transmitters, a MCU-based intelligent differential pressure transmitter is introduced. This design adopts the 24PC series pressure sensor produced by Honeywell Corp. and 78F0513DA MCU produced by NEC Corp. in Japan as its core components. This intelligent differential pressure transmitter can promptly detect the air pressure or non-corrosive gas. The DIP button of the transmitter and the reset button make it possible to reset, select a new unit and conduct zero-point correction on the spot. The different current output ranges can be set according to the different requirements of customers, which boasts its reliable operation and high accuracy.


