The Strong Convergence of Ishikawa Iterative Sequence for Gradient Projection Operators
摘要: 为证明所要结果,首先给出一个梯度投影算子的Ishikawa迭代的CQ变形,并证明它的强收敛性.然后给出一个Ishikawa形式的黏性变形,结合适当条件证明梯度投影算子的强收敛性.Abstract: n order to prove our desired result, an Ishikawa iterative CQ deformation is first worked out for the Gradient projection operator, and the strong convergence of which is then proved. And a viscous deformation in Ishikawa form is presented. In combination with certain suitable conditions, the strong convergence of the gradient projection operators is proved, and the results obtained greatly improve the results published in the latest literatures.