宋杨, 杨星星, 高显采. 强Gorenstein平坦模的合冲模[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 8-10.
    引用本文: 宋杨, 杨星星, 高显采. 强Gorenstein平坦模的合冲模[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (6): 8-10.
    SONG Yang, YANG Xing-xing, GAO Xian-cai. The Syzygy Modules of Strong Gorenstein Flat Modules[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 8-10.
    Citation: SONG Yang, YANG Xing-xing, GAO Xian-cai. The Syzygy Modules of Strong Gorenstein Flat Modules[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (6): 8-10.


    The Syzygy Modules of Strong Gorenstein Flat Modules

    • 摘要: 对任意环R,非负整数n,给出了强Gorenstein平坦模上的合冲模的定义,指出了强Gorenstein平坦的第n个轭和强Gorenstein平坦的第n个合冲在强Gorenstein平坦模的条件下是等同的,并利用同调代数的方法研究了强Gorenstein平坦模的合冲的一些性质.


      Abstract: For any ring R and any positive integer n, the notion of the syzygy modules on strong Gorenstein flat modules has been put forward and it is pointed out that the nth yoke and the nth syzygy modules under the condition of strong Gorenstein flat modules are equivalent; by using homological methods, certain properties of the sy zygy modules of strong Gorenstein flat modules are subjected to research.


