郝利玲, 崇玉萍. 体育教学中队列队形口令技术运用的研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (4): 87-90.
    引用本文: 郝利玲, 崇玉萍. 体育教学中队列队形口令技术运用的研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (4): 87-90.
    HAO Li-ling, CHONG Yu-ping. Research into the Use of Oral Command in Rank &Formation Drills in P.E. Teaching[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (4): 87-90.
    Citation: HAO Li-ling, CHONG Yu-ping. Research into the Use of Oral Command in Rank &Formation Drills in P.E. Teaching[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (4): 87-90.


    Research into the Use of Oral Command in Rank &Formation Drills in P.E. Teaching

    • 摘要: 口令是精炼语言的一种特殊表现形式,是体育教师课堂教学中指挥整体协同行动不可缺少的工具性语言,也是体育教师必备的基本功之一.从口令的结构、种类、发声原理、呼吸方法、动令字声的调整以及口令运用的注意事项等方面,探讨了队列队形口令的教学方法,旨在使体育教师、体育专业学生更好的掌握口令技术,提高实际应用口令的能力,发挥口令在体育教学中的应有作用.


      Abstract: As a special form of refined language, the word of oral command is not only the indispensable instrumental language for P.E. teachers directing collaborative actions in class, but also one of the basic skills of gym instructors. Investigation was made into the teaching method of the words of oral command concerning rank and formation from the perspectives of their structure, type, vocal principle, breathing method, the adjustment of tones, and announcements in the use of words of oral command, which aims to enable P.E. teachers and sports major to have a better mastery of the words of oral commands, and bring into full play of the functions due to words of oral commands.


