张宗书. 城市郊区乡村旅游发展思路探析——以四川德阳龙居村为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (4): 67-70.
    引用本文: 张宗书. 城市郊区乡村旅游发展思路探析——以四川德阳龙居村为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (4): 67-70.
    ZHANG Zong-shu. On Tourism Development of Suburban Country——A Case Study of Deyang Dragon Village in Sichuan[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (4): 67-70.
    Citation: ZHANG Zong-shu. On Tourism Development of Suburban Country——A Case Study of Deyang Dragon Village in Sichuan[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (4): 67-70.


    On Tourism Development of Suburban Country——A Case Study of Deyang Dragon Village in Sichuan

    • 摘要: 我国城市郊区乡村旅游已成为乡村旅游的重要组成部分,但也因认识不到位,盲目跟进,一些城市郊区乡村旅游区失去了可持续发展的动力.基于对城市郊区乡村旅游概念的理解和思考,分析了当前城市郊区乡村旅游发展存在认识不足、规划不力,布局混乱、生态失衡,产品单一、品味不高等问题,并对四川德阳龙居村乡村旅游发展思路进行了实证个案研究,在充分评估龙居村已有资源的基础上,坚持乡村旅游的核心要素——“乡村性”,提出了“整体规划、长效发展,生态为本、回归乡野,突出主题、打造品牌,政府驱动、市场主导”的城市郊区乡村旅游发展的基本思路,以期对其他城市郊区乡村旅游发展有现实的指导意义.


      Abstract: Based on the understanding and reflection on the suburban country tourism, an analysis of the current tourism development reveals that major problems are found to be as follows: impercipient understanding of the problem, inadequate planning, chaotic layout, ecological imbalance, service items on offer being too dull and few, and lacking in good taste. And the Deyang Dragon Village is taken as an example for empirical study to research on its developing road map. On the basis of a thorough evaluation of the existing resources, and by sticking to the core element——“rurality”——a basic developing map is proposed, which is guided by the principles of “overall planning, ecology-oriented, return to country, distinct theme, building of brands, government drive, market dominance” so as to shed some light on suburban country tourism development in other cities.


