An Overview of Application of GIS in forestry Monitoring and Management in China
摘要: 林业及林业产品涉及人民生产生活各方面,运用GIS技术可以较为有效地管理和监测林业发展.本文介绍了GIS在林业中的应用,回顾近年来GIS在林业资源调查、植被监测和林业管理应用中取得的成果,分析了GIS在林业应用的潜力,提出今后的研究方向.Abstract: The forestry and its products are closely related to all walks of life. The employment of GIS technology can effectively manage and monitor forestry development. A comprehensive introduction is made to the application of GIS in forestry; and a review of the achievements made in recent years is done in aspects like forestry resources survey, vegetation monitoring and forestry management, and future research orientations are listed out.