孙亮亮, 林宏. 高校公体软式排球教学动态水平分组实验研究 ——以四川文理学院为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (2): 109-112.
    引用本文: 孙亮亮, 林宏. 高校公体软式排球教学动态水平分组实验研究 ——以四川文理学院为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2012, (2): 109-112.
    SUN Liang-liang, LIN Hong. Research into the Teaching of College Soft Volleyball for Non-P.E. Majors via Dynamic Level Grouping Experiment[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (2): 109-112.
    Citation: SUN Liang-liang, LIN Hong. Research into the Teaching of College Soft Volleyball for Non-P.E. Majors via Dynamic Level Grouping Experiment[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2012, (2): 109-112.

    高校公体软式排球教学动态水平分组实验研究 ——以四川文理学院为例

    Research into the Teaching of College Soft Volleyball for Non-P.E. Majors via Dynamic Level Grouping Experiment

    • 摘要: 根据“动态水平分组法”的理论,以四川文理学院公共体育课60名软式排球练习者为研究对象,分成实验组和对照组,分别运用动态水平分组法和传统的固定水平分组法对两组学生实施软式排球基本技术的教学内容并进行测评.经过一年实验,测试结果表明:实验组和对照组在实验前后软式排球技术水平发生了明显的变化,实验组学生的软式排球发、垫、传、扣球技术的测试成绩均高于对照组,经卡方检验,P<0.01,两组成绩存在显著差异.这说明动态水平分组法在大学公共体育课软式排球教学中具有较大的优越性.


      Abstract: By application of the dynamic level grouping theory, 60 research subjects from the Sichuan University of Arts and Science were divided into two groups: the experimental group(grouped by dynamic level grouping) and the control group(grouped by traditional fixed level grouping) and then tested about their basic volleyball skills respectively. After one year’s experiment, the results showed that the technical level of both groups has undergone significant change with students from the experimental group outstriding their peers from the control group in all the aspects of service, dig pass, pass and spike, and the chi-square test reveals that p<0.01, indicating there exists a significant difference between the two groups, which proves the distinct advantage of dynamic level grouping method in the soft volleyball teaching of non-P.E. college students.


