Sichuan University of Science & Engineering A Status Quo Survey of the Postgraduates’ Participation in Physical Exercise in School
摘要: 采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈及数理统计等方法,对四川理工学院在校研究生的体质现状,体育锻炼内容,锻炼频次、时间、动机,以及其影响因素进行调查分析,掌握学校研究生体育活动规律与特点,并提出了相应的改进对策,以期推动普通高校的研究生体育工作,丰富校园体育文化的建设内容.Abstract: By use of literature review, questionnaires, interviews and mathematical statistics, a survey and analysis is made of the postgraduates in school about their physical constitution, content of exercise, exercising frequency, time and motive, the influencing factors, thus to sort out their characteristics and exercising trend and put forth counter measures to push forward postgraduate sports in colleges and universities and contributes to the enrichment of campus physical culture.