Hostility and Appeasement to Qin: A Comparison of Strategies between XIANG Yu and LIU Bang in Rebellion against Qin Dynast
摘要: 项羽的仇秦与刘邦的抚秦,缘于两人出身的不同、家族际遇的不同,以及所代表的利益集团的不同、政治理想的不同,并因此决定了两人对秦人的行为态度——即灭秦战略的不同。当然,仇秦与抚秦,带给二人的政治影响也存在巨大的区别——刘邦最终走向成功,而项羽最终走向失败Abstract: XIANG Yu’s hostility and LIU Bang’s appeasement to Qin were out of their different family background, experience, different groups of interest they represented, and their different political ambitions, which contributed to the different strategies in the war against Qin. Their different attitudes brought about the great different political influences — LIU Bang finally succeeded while XIANG Yu encountered his failure.