A Semantic and Cognitive Interpretation of Double Referential Construction “Personal Pronoun + a + NP”
摘要: 意义来自于客观世界,语言知识植根于百科知识。意义的成功解读,仅仅依靠字典或词典是不行的。复指结构“人称代词+一个NP”的使用和理解涉及到复杂的语义认知,需要依赖语境和人类的百科知识,经过语用推导才能对其进行具体的语义阐释。Abstract: Meanings come from the objective world and the language knowledge is rooted in the encyclopedic one. And the successful interpretation of meanings does not depend on dictionaries. The use and understanding of the double referential construction “personal pronoun + a + NP” is involved in semantics and cognition. In addition, it has to depend on the context and human encyclopedic knowledge. Moreover, its semantic explanation can only be obtained through pragmatic inference.