On the Evolution and Innovated Spirit of ZHANG Da-qian’s Landscape Painting
摘要: 张大千的山水画注重“以造化为师”,“师法自然”。张大千的山水画大致经历了三个时期:仿古期、渐变期和创新期。他的泼墨泼彩山水画是他一生艺术实践的结晶,充分地表现出张大千先生勇于创新的艺术精神Abstract: The ZHANG Da-qian’s landscape paintings stressed the nature as master and being natural. His landscape paintings have undergone three stages: imitation of the ancient paintings, evolution and innovation. His ink-splashed and color-splashed paintings are the crystallization of the artistic practice of his whole life, which have fully show his innovated spirit.