On Narrative Patterns of Fairy Tales of Ming Dynasty and the Roots of Their Sprouting
摘要: 《西游记》和《封神演义》作为典范文本,分别代表了明代神魔小说“以幻写真”和“以幻求奇”的叙事范型。《西游记》追求神异性和人性的融合,渗透其中的是作者对时代文化的深刻理解。《封神演义》专注于神异性的展示,体现作者通过锐意求新来娱乐读者的创作诉求。两种范型都深植于明代文化的土壤。Abstract: Western Journey and A Legend of Gods, as the classical novels, represent respectively fiction in depiction and bizarrerie in fantasy. The former pursues the combination of divinity and humanity, in which the authors’ deep understanding of the time is permeated. While the latter focuses on the divinity, which shows the author’s intention to entertain his readers with new things. The two narrative patterns were both rooted in the cultural soil of Ming Dynasty.