姚伟民, 文新国. 从创优作品实践看记者选题技巧[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 115-117.
    引用本文: 姚伟民, 文新国. 从创优作品实践看记者选题技巧[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 115-117.
    YAO Weimin, WEN Xinguo. On Techniques of Choosing Topics: A Perspective of Practice in Creating Excellent Works[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 115-117.
    Citation: YAO Weimin, WEN Xinguo. On Techniques of Choosing Topics: A Perspective of Practice in Creating Excellent Works[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 115-117.


    On Techniques of Choosing Topics: A Perspective of Practice in Creating Excellent Works

    • 摘要: 电视评论,是块难啃的“硬骨头”,要求高,难度大,时效强,任务重。如今市州城市电视台坚持开办“电视评论”型栏目的是越来越少。然而,只要创新思维,把握选题技巧,眼光盯住“上面”(主要指中央、省大政方针或决策);手中抓住“下面”(主要指地方台范围内的典型事例材料);敢于碰重大题材,善于强攻“热门话题”,巧于舆论正面引导,电视评论在地方台中会竖起一面旗帜,会很好扩大地方主流传媒的权威性和影响力。


      Abstract: Like a piece of hard-chewed bone, the TV critique is highly demanded, difficult, timely, and full of heavy tasks. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer TV programs like “TV Critique” of TV stations at levels of prefecture or cities. However, if we innovate our thoughts, master the techniques of choosing topics, fix our eyes on the top (mainly referring to the important policies of central or provincial government), put our hands into the bottom (mainly the typical materials concerned by the local TV stations), dare to report the important events, and are good at contacting the hot topics, the TV critique can stand as a banner in local TV stations and thus strengthen the authority and influence of the local media.


