周亚萍, 杨小平. 试论新词新语的文化内涵[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 97-99.
    引用本文: 周亚萍, 杨小平. 试论新词新语的文化内涵[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 97-99.
    ZHOU Yaping, YANG Xiaoping. Cultural Connotations of New Words and Expressions[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 97-99.
    Citation: ZHOU Yaping, YANG Xiaoping. Cultural Connotations of New Words and Expressions[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 97-99.


    Cultural Connotations of New Words and Expressions

    • 摘要: 新词新语记录了社会上出现的新事物、新概念、新现象,包含着丰富的社会文化信息。构成新词新语的音节形式和构词成分多种多样,外来词和方言词大量涌现。它们准确地反映了不同群体的不同情绪、心态及文化价值取向,体现了人们的参与和开放心理、叛逆和娱乐心理、求新求变心理,有着鲜明的时代气息和丰富的社会文化内涵。


      Abstract: The new words and expressions have made a record of new things, concepts and phenomena and they reflect the abundant social cultural information. There are various forms of syllables and elements constituting new ones. Moreover, borrowing words and dialectal ones appear in large amount. These reflect the different emotions, attitudes and values of different communities, and show people’s participation and opening desire, treason and recreation psychology, and thirst for innovation. And they are characterized by the striking flavor of times and rich social cultural connotations.


