吴玲. 刘勰情采观与苏珊?朗格情感形式观比较研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 87-89.
    引用本文: 吴玲. 刘勰情采观与苏珊?朗格情感形式观比较研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 87-89.
    WU Ling. .A Contrastive Study between LIU Xie’s Views toward Emotion and Diction and the Susanne Langer’s toward Feelings and Their Forms[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 87-89.
    Citation: WU Ling. .A Contrastive Study between LIU Xie’s Views toward Emotion and Diction and the Susanne Langer’s toward Feelings and Their Forms[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 87-89.


    .A Contrastive Study between LIU Xie’s Views toward Emotion and Diction and the Susanne Langer’s toward Feelings and Their Forms

    • 摘要: 刘勰的情采观和苏珊?朗格的情感形式观,虽然在时代思潮以及各自的立论基础上都各不相同,但在情采关系和情感形式关系方面却有相同之处:一是情采和情感形式都是构成文本缺一不可的有机统一体,二是情采观和情感形式观都认同情感具有逻辑优先性,三是情采观和情感形式观肯定形式具有能动的反作用。


      Abstract: Though LIU Xie’s views toward emotion and diction differ from the Susanne Langer’s toward feelings and their forms from the perspective of background and their theoretical foundations, they share the similarities in the relation between emotion and diction, and feelings and their forms: i. both emotion and diction, and feelings and their forms are compulsory elements that make up a text; ii. both views agree the priority of emotion or feelings; iii. the form has a dynamic retroaction on feelings.


