王鸣剑. 我爱家乡,但用的是奇异的爱情——读《我寂寞的时候,菩萨也寂寞》[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 68-71.
    引用本文: 王鸣剑. 我爱家乡,但用的是奇异的爱情——读《我寂寞的时候,菩萨也寂寞》[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 68-71.
    WANG Mingjian. I Love My Home with a Strange Love: On I’ m Lonely, So is Buddha[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 68-71.
    Citation: WANG Mingjian. I Love My Home with a Strange Love: On I’ m Lonely, So is Buddha[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 68-71.


    I Love My Home with a Strange Love: On I’ m Lonely, So is Buddha

    • 摘要: 长篇小说《我寂寞的时候,菩萨也寂寞》,以别出机杼的叙事艺术,将欲望化时代的爱情和浓得化不开的乡情,根植入大足石刻艺术的佛性中去拷问与抒写,直抵人性中的善与恶、美与丑。作者通过忆君面对人生变故和爱情无常所表现出来的豁达与宽容,也昭示了平民的幸福和俗世的快乐,在于安贫乐道,与世无争。


      Abstract: The novel I’m Lonely, so is Buddha has planted the love of the time with lust and dense nostalgia into Buddas of Dazu Rock Carvings, and given them a test and description with its unique narrative art. This straightly has touched the evil and kindness, beauty and ugliness of human nature. The writer has showed Yijun’s openness and tolerance before accidents of life and love. Meanwhile, he reveals the people’s happiness which lies in the satisfaction with poverty and pursuit for nothing.


