郑小波, 李先敏. 诺齐克的谬误:以社群主义为视角[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 17-20.
    引用本文: 郑小波, 李先敏. 诺齐克的谬误:以社群主义为视角[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (11): 17-20.
    ZHEN Xiaobo, LI Xianmin. .On Nozik’s Fallacy: A Communitarian Perspective[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 17-20.
    Citation: ZHEN Xiaobo, LI Xianmin. .On Nozik’s Fallacy: A Communitarian Perspective[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (11): 17-20.


    .On Nozik’s Fallacy: A Communitarian Perspective

    • 摘要: 社群主义对诺齐克的批评主要集中于其将个人权利绝对化,放弃个人的社会责任感,否认个人的社会价值。社群主义敏锐地观察到诺齐克以虚构的权利前提构思理想社会的不足,这一不足表现为个人的抽象化,并在抽象化个人的基础上建构其元乌托邦理想,致使个人脱离了现实社会,这是不合理的。


      Abstract: The criticism on Nozick made by communitarians mainly focuses on his preaching of absolutization of personal power, abandonment of personal social responsibility and negation of personal social value. The communitarians incisively noted the limitation of the Utopian society on the premise of rights fancied. Such limitation shows the abstraction of individual. On the abstracted individuals, he constructed his Utopia. This made the individuals break away from society. Hence it is unreasonable.


