市民叙事向文人叙事的回归 ——《柳耆卿诗酒玩江楼记》与《众名妓春风吊柳七》比较探析
The Return from the Civilian Narration to the Literati One: A Comparison between The Story of LIU Yong Drinking and Inditing Poetry in Wanjiang Building and Courtesans’
摘要: 《古今小说》中的《众名妓春风吊柳七》改编自《清平山堂话本》中的《柳耆卿诗酒玩江楼记》,改编后的文本在人物形象、故事情节、话语属性以及主题倾向上与原作都有着很大的不同。这些改动在一定程度上标志着市民叙事向文人叙事的回归,并且这种回归对文学创作具有双重作用。Abstract: Courtesans Mourning for LIU Yong in Qingming Festival in Ancient and Modern Novels was adapted after The Story of LIU Yong Drinking and Inditing Poetry in Wanjiang Building in Scripts of Qingpingshan House. The story adapted is strikingly different from the original one in figures, plot, discourse features and thematic inclination. Such changes, to some extent, marked the return from civilian narration to literati one, which has exerted influence on literary creation.