吕晓英, 罗曲, 王珏. 网络传媒语境下少数民族文化的传播发展——以我国彝族年网络报道为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 117-120.
    引用本文: 吕晓英, 罗曲, 王珏. 网络传媒语境下少数民族文化的传播发展——以我国彝族年网络报道为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 117-120.
    LV Xiao-ying, LUO Qu, WANG Jue. The Dissemination and Development of Minority Culture in the Context of Network Media ——A Case Study of the Yi Years Network Reports of the Yi nationality[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 117-120.
    Citation: LV Xiao-ying, LUO Qu, WANG Jue. The Dissemination and Development of Minority Culture in the Context of Network Media ——A Case Study of the Yi Years Network Reports of the Yi nationality[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 117-120.


    The Dissemination and Development of Minority Culture in the Context of Network Media ——A Case Study of the Yi Years Network Reports of the Yi nationality

    • 摘要: 网络传媒对少数民族文化的传播发展有巨大的重塑作用.通过对近几年我国彝族年的网络报道追踪调查,发现我国少数民族的传统文化在网络传媒的“显微镜”下逐渐发生着蜕变,这其中既有“因网络”而“变文化”的被动文化重塑,也有“因文化变”而“显于网络”的文化诉求.网络传播的“交互性”、“开放性”与“文化资源重新配置”等特性,为各种少数民族文化资源提供了更为广泛的展示空间,成为各类文化的“自我抒写者”书写个人见解的新式平台,同时,增进了各种文化之间的交流.网络传媒对少数民族文化的发展既是挑战又是机遇:一方面,网络传媒可以帮助更广泛受众更深刻地理解、传播与保护少数民族文化;另一方面,在网络传播的过程中,某些少数民族文化之精髓无形中被消解殆尽,最后成为“象征的符号文化”.


      Abstract: Network media plays an important reconstructive role in the dissemination and development of minority culture. The tracking survey of Yi Years network reports in recent years shows that the traditional culture of the Chinese minority nationalities is undergoing a gradual metamorphosis under the “microscope” of network media which includes not only a passive cultural reconstruction resulting from the network-intrigued cultural changes but also the visible on-net cultural appeal arising from cultural changes. The interactivity, openness and reconfiguration of cultural resources provide the minority culture with a much broader stage fodisplay, which has doubtlessly excited the enthusiasm for disseminating the native culture and at the same time, promoted inter-culture exchanges. By aid of network dissemination, minority culture undergoes a cultural reconstruction. Network media is both a challenge and an opportunity to the minority culture. On the one hand, the network media helps more media audience to better understand, disseminate and protect the minority culture; on the other hand, in the process of network dissemination, the essence of some minority culture has to bear the risk of being assimilated and finally reduces to a sign culture of symbolization.


