祝丽君. 西部地级城市新建高校图书馆服务路径探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 114-116.
    引用本文: 祝丽君. 西部地级城市新建高校图书馆服务路径探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 114-116.
    ZHU Li-jun. On Library Service Paths of Newly Built Institutes of Higher Learning in Western Prefecture-level Cities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 114-116.
    Citation: ZHU Li-jun. On Library Service Paths of Newly Built Institutes of Higher Learning in Western Prefecture-level Cities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 114-116.


    On Library Service Paths of Newly Built Institutes of Higher Learning in Western Prefecture-level Cities

    • 摘要: 西部地级城市的新建地方本科院校,在中国高等教育的第一轮办学水平评估后,更加重视学科与专业建设的科学布局规划与建设、人才培养方案优化改革、地方高校为地方经济社会发展服务的办学方向,但其图书馆的办馆理念、馆藏体系、服务路径与高校的办学理念、办学目标、办学定位等顶层设计普遍存在较大差距.为此,研究提出了这些新建地方本科高校图书馆的办馆理念、馆藏建设与服务要立足于本校的教学与科研服务、要突出为本校的人才培养服务、为地方经济社会发展服务的路径思考.


      Abstract: he newly built institutes of higher learning in western prefecture-level cities, after going through the first round of school-running evaluation, attaches greater importance to the scientific layout of majors and professional construction, the optimization reform of the talented people training schemes, and the role of the college’s serving the local economic and social development. However, great gap lies in between the library-running philosophy, library collection system, service paths and the school-running philosophy, goal and orientation of the universities. Therefore, it is proposed that the library-running philosophy, collection construction and service should be directed to serve teaching and research, to the turning out of qualified graduates and make contribution to the local social-economic development.


