罗杨洁. 高师测量与地图学课程教学现状与对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 96-99.
    引用本文: 罗杨洁. 高师测量与地图学课程教学现状与对策[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 96-99.
    LUO Yang-jie. Students’ Skills in Oral Presentation of a Lecture Conforming to the New Curricular Standards of Geography in Teachers Universities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 96-99.
    Citation: LUO Yang-jie. Students’ Skills in Oral Presentation of a Lecture Conforming to the New Curricular Standards of Geography in Teachers Universities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 96-99.


    Students’ Skills in Oral Presentation of a Lecture Conforming to the New Curricular Standards of Geography in Teachers Universities

    • 摘要: 测量与地图学》是《测量学》与《地图学》整合后形成的一门独立课程.作为一门实践性很强的专业基础课,现存在的主要问题有:课程体系不够系统,教材针对性不强;内容多课时少,教学难度大;学习能力要求高,实践性强;教学评价体系亟待完善.为此,围绕课程体系、教学手段、学生学习方法和考核评价方法四个方面提出了改进建议,以期为提高该课程教学质量提供参考.


      Abstract: As a crucial part of practice teaching, the oral presentation ability of a normal university student is an important indicator of his future potential of teaching and research. Therefore, it is necessary for us to research into the abilities development in our students in this regard. First, a brief introduction is made of the characteristics, the changes of position in high school learning and the philosophy of curricular development about the subject of geography. And then on the basis of an analysis of the characteristics of college geography majors, the knowledge base for oral presentation skill training is put forth and the training procedures are also given. Finally, attention was focused on the 6 steps of geography oral presentation and the evaluation of it with the concrete training methods given in detail so as to improve the students’ oral presentation skills and their teaching and research abilities.


