胡晓东, 袁天凤. 高师地理专业野外实践教学优化对策研究——以内江师范学院地理专业为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 92-95.
    引用本文: 胡晓东, 袁天凤. 高师地理专业野外实践教学优化对策研究——以内江师范学院地理专业为例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 92-95.
    HU Xiao-dong, YUAN Tian-feng. The Current Teaching Situation of Surveying & Cartography Curriculum and Counter Measures in Teachers Universities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 92-95.
    Citation: HU Xiao-dong, YUAN Tian-feng. The Current Teaching Situation of Surveying & Cartography Curriculum and Counter Measures in Teachers Universities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 92-95.


    The Current Teaching Situation of Surveying & Cartography Curriculum and Counter Measures in Teachers Universities

    • 摘要: 野外实践教学是地理学课程建设和教学改革的重要环节之一.实践经验丰富,动手能力强的学生无疑是各用人单位优先考虑的对象.论文以内江师范学院地理专业野外实践教学为例,分析了野外实践教学的重要意义,总结了野外实践教学中存在的相关问题野外实践教学管理,促进产学研合作教育,加强各种形式的实践教学基地和实验室建设,构建科学的野外实践教学体系.


      Abstract: The Surveying & Cartography is an integrated curriculum derived from the Surveying and the Cartography. As a highly practical and professional course, major problems are found in the following aspects: an unsystematic curricular system with textbooks lacking in pointedness; high difficulty of teaching due to huge content with too limited class hours; tough request of learning ability and high practicality; and a teaching evaluation system badly in need of perfection. Suggestions for improvement are put forth focusing on the four aspects: the curricular system, the teaching approaches, the students’ learning methods and evaluation methods aiming to serve as reference for the enhancement of teaching quality.


