邓谋优, 邱彦, 李平, 贺晓燕, 付平. 西部大开发以来四川省入境旅游流的时空特征[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 62-66.
    引用本文: 邓谋优, 邱彦, 李平, 贺晓燕, 付平. 西部大开发以来四川省入境旅游流的时空特征[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (10): 62-66.
    DENG Mou-you, QIU Yan, LI Ping, HE Xiao-yan, FU Ping. Tourist Flow since the Implementation of the Large-scale Development of Western Regions[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 62-66.
    Citation: DENG Mou-you, QIU Yan, LI Ping, HE Xiao-yan, FU Ping. Tourist Flow since the Implementation of the Large-scale Development of Western Regions[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (10): 62-66.


    Tourist Flow since the Implementation of the Large-scale Development of Western Regions

    • 摘要: 以四川省2000~2010年入境旅游统计数据为基础,对旅游流的时空特征进行了研究.结果表明,四川省入境旅游发展呈明显的阶段性和季节性特征;国外市场是入境旅游客源市场的主体;国外市场以短程市场为主、远程市场为辅,主要客源国相对集中和稳定;入境旅游流空间流向为单中心聚散模式,空间分布呈高度集中的特征


      Abstract: Based on the Sichuan inbound tourism statistics of 2000-2010, an analysis was made of the temporao and spatial characteristics of the inbound tourist flow in Sichuan. The results show that the development of inbound tourism is of apparently a periodic and seasonal nature. The foreign market has become the major inbound tourist source characterized mainly by short distance market, with long-distance market playing an auxiliary role, whose guest sources are stable and mainly from some particular countries; the spatial flow of the inbound tourists is of a monocentric gathering-and-departure model with a highly centralized feature.


