杨雪梅. 重塑内江“甜城”品牌新视角探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 134-140.
    引用本文: 杨雪梅. 重塑内江“甜城”品牌新视角探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 134-140.
    YANG Xuemei. A Probe into the Remolding of “Sweet City” Brand of Neijiang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 134-140.
    Citation: YANG Xuemei. A Probe into the Remolding of “Sweet City” Brand of Neijiang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 134-140.


    A Probe into the Remolding of “Sweet City” Brand of Neijiang

    • 摘要: 城市品牌的塑造力度,直接体现城市经营者的水平和城市可持续发展的程度,不仅是一个城市综合竞争力的外在表现,更是一种城市经营哲学。内江塑造“甜城”品牌,要注重发挥“天府通衢、成渝纽带”的枢纽位置,推动“五谷丰登、五业兴旺”的经济发展,彰显“名胜景观、地杰人灵”的鼎胜人文以及建设“和乐百家,福祉万年”的和谐生活。


      Abstract: The remolding of a city’s brand directly shows the managing art of the city’s leaders and the degree of the city’s sustainable development. And it is the manifestation of the comprehensive competitive force as well as the managing philosophy of a city. The remolding of “sweet city” brand of Neijiang should make full use of its hinge position in the abundance land and between Chengdu and Chongqing and drive the economic development. Moreover, it should also show Neijiang’s both humanistic and natural scenaries and aim to construct a new harmonious life.


