伊丽媛. 传播学视野下的中国民族声乐价值现状与发展对策研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 130-133.
    引用本文: 伊丽媛. 传播学视野下的中国民族声乐价值现状与发展对策研究[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 130-133.
    YI Liyuan. A Study of the Current Situation of Chinese National Vocal Music and the Coping Strategies for Development: A Perspective of Communication[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 130-133.
    Citation: YI Liyuan. A Study of the Current Situation of Chinese National Vocal Music and the Coping Strategies for Development: A Perspective of Communication[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 130-133.


    A Study of the Current Situation of Chinese National Vocal Music and the Coping Strategies for Development: A Perspective of Communication

    • 摘要: 在传播学视野下,“二级传播”理论使得中国民族声乐被更多人所接受;“议程设置”理论为中国民族声乐奠定更为牢固的群众基础;传播学理念的“传承特性”,为弘扬与创新民族声乐艺术,提供了根本性保障。运用传播学理论促进中国民族声乐科学发展,应注重借助新闻发布会的组织传播功效积极造势;注重发挥大众传媒强大的传播功能;要努力做好中国民族声乐文化继承与发展这篇大文章;要敢于破除陈旧观念,摒弃单一化,走多元化发展之路。


      Abstract: From a perspective of communication studies, the theory of two-step communication contributes to the acceptance of Chinese national vocal music by more people. And the agenda setting theory can lay a solid mass foundation of Chinese national vocal music. Moreover, the inheritance nature of communication concept provides the guarantee for the highlight and innovation of national vocal music. To drive the development of the national vocal music with the application of communication theories, we should pay more attention to the disseminating function of news conference and mass media. In addition, we should make great efforts to do well the work of inheriting and developing our national music. Further, we should dare to give up old and unitary conceptions and take more roads to our development.


