朱明勋. 对中国古代女性坚守贞节所产生的“净利润”及受益者评估[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 83-88.
    引用本文: 朱明勋. 对中国古代女性坚守贞节所产生的“净利润”及受益者评估[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 83-88.
    ZHU Mingxun. .Evaluation on the Net Profit Produced by Women Sticking to Their Chastity and Beneficiaries in Ancient China[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 83-88.
    Citation: ZHU Mingxun. .Evaluation on the Net Profit Produced by Women Sticking to Their Chastity and Beneficiaries in Ancient China[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 83-88.


    .Evaluation on the Net Profit Produced by Women Sticking to Their Chastity and Beneficiaries in Ancient China

    • 摘要: 从经济学的角度分析,中国古代女性坚守贞节既有投入成本,即代价,又有一定的收益。其代价可分为个人代价、家庭代价和社会代价三类;其收益亦可分为个人收益、家庭收益和社会收益三类。通过对比,结论为古代女性坚守贞节在封建时代之“净利润”为“负利润”,没有最终受益者;在新时代之“净利润”为“正利润”,其受益者主要是男人,女人也受益,但基本无害。


      Abstract: From the perspective of economics, the women’s sticking to their chastity in ancient China had both cost and benefit. The former can be divided into personal cost, familial cost and social cost. Similarly, the benefit also has three types: personal, familial and social. Through contrast, the author has found that the net profit of sticking to chastity in the feudal society was negative and such act had no beneficiaries. However, in the new time, the net profit of such act is positive and the beneficiaries are chiefly men. And women themselves are also beneficiaries and the act basically has no harm.


