牟华林. 王力《古代汉语·战国策》注释补正[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 71-74.
    引用本文: 牟华林. 王力《古代汉语·战国策》注释补正[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 71-74.
    MOU Hualin. Corrections of Some Mistakes in Notes to Strategies of Warring States in Ancient Chinese Edited by WANG LI[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 71-74.
    Citation: MOU Hualin. Corrections of Some Mistakes in Notes to Strategies of Warring States in Ancient Chinese Edited by WANG LI[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 71-74.


    Corrections of Some Mistakes in Notes to Strategies of Warring States in Ancient Chinese Edited by WANG LI

    • 摘要: :王力主编《古代汉语》的《战国策》选文中,个别词语的解释不甚妥帖,或者已有的解释还有进一步讨论的必要。文章乃就其不妥帖处予以匡正,其可讨论处予以补充。


      Abstract: In the selected articles of Strategies of Warring States in Ancient Chinese edited by WANG Li, the explanation of some words is not appropriate or there is need for further discussion. And this paper has made corrections to some mistakes and made some complement to them.


