杨挺. 试论宋代诗学对印刷文本态度之演变及其诗法代兴[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 61-66.
    引用本文: 杨挺. 试论宋代诗学对印刷文本态度之演变及其诗法代兴[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 61-66.
    YANG Ting. On the Evolution of Poetic Attitude of Song Dynasty toward Printing and the Flourishing of Poetics[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 61-66.
    Citation: YANG Ting. On the Evolution of Poetic Attitude of Song Dynasty toward Printing and the Flourishing of Poetics[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 61-66.


    On the Evolution of Poetic Attitude of Song Dynasty toward Printing and the Flourishing of Poetics

    • 摘要: 宋代印刷的发达,使诗歌学习出现了书本倚重及其形式化倾向。非常可贵的是,宋人已经意识到印本依赖的负面影响。在印本批评的同时,也进行了印本超越的种种探索。人们尝试从认识、体验以及感情(包括道德)等多个角度来超越媒介,这样的超越努力也促进了宋代诗法从活法论、体验论到兴趣论的交替与代兴。


      Abstract: The study of poetry began to rely heavily on books and tended to be formalization because of highly developed printing technology in Song Dynasty. What is valuable is that the Song people began to be aware of the negative influence of excessive dependence on printing. When criticizing printed books, they made some research beyond the printing. They attempted to transcend the media through understanding, experiencing and emotions (including morality). Such effort helped flourishing of Song poetics.


