付优. 论《搜神记》中的婚姻状态及其成因[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 57-60.
    引用本文: 付优. 论《搜神记》中的婚姻状态及其成因[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 57-60.
    FU You. On the Marriage State and Its Causes in Stories of Immortals[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 57-60.
    Citation: FU You. On the Marriage State and Its Causes in Stories of Immortals[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 57-60.


    On the Marriage State and Its Causes in Stories of Immortals

    • 摘要: 在志怪小说《搜神记》中,婚姻有三种状态,即缔结、存续或者破裂,分别表现为婚姻及时的伦理要求、秦晋匹也的夫妻关系以及劳燕分飞的最终结局,究其原因,无不与魏晋南北朝时期女性的生存状态有关。


      Abstract: In Stories of Immortals, there are three kinds of state of marriages: engagement, maintenance and divorce. They respectively reflect the timely demand of marriage, relationship between husband and wife, and the separation like birds flying in different directions. And their causes are closely related to the women’s living conditions of Wei, Jin, South and North Dynasties.


