胡颖佳. 论袁宗道相悖人格的形成及表现[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 54-56.
    引用本文: 胡颖佳. 论袁宗道相悖人格的形成及表现[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 54-56.
    HU Yingjia. On the Formation and Expression of YUAN Zong-dao’s Contradictory Personality[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 54-56.
    Citation: HU Yingjia. On the Formation and Expression of YUAN Zong-dao’s Contradictory Personality[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 54-56.


    On the Formation and Expression of YUAN Zong-dao’s Contradictory Personality

    • 摘要: 在极力伸张快乐主义的风气下,作为末世文人代表的袁宗道对个体存在价值进行了艰难叩问。在他“稳实”面目下潜伏着“狂放”的一面,在他向往山林隐风之时又难舍庙堂的富丽。他纠结于对个体自适的追求和社会礼法的恪守中,焦灼难安、进退维谷。对其相悖人格的深层原因进行探究,还原一个真实的末世文人形象。


      Abstract: In the atmosphere of pursuing happiness, YUAN Zong-dong, a representative of literateurs at the end of Ming Dynasty, made hard inquires into the personal existential value. Under his steadiness lay restlessness. As he longed for the hermit life in the wild, he could not give up the luxury of the real life. He fell into a dilemma between pursuing personal comfort and abiding by the social rites. He felt contradictory and worried. This paper has probed into the roots of formation of YUAN’s contradictory personality so that it can revivify the literateur.


