胡海义, 吴阳. 宝玉读书与曹雪芹的《四书》观[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 13-16.
    引用本文: 胡海义, 吴阳. 宝玉读书与曹雪芹的《四书》观[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (9): 13-16.
    HU Haiyi, WU Yang. JIA Bao-yu’s Reading and CAO Xue-qin’s Views on Four Books[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 13-16.
    Citation: HU Haiyi, WU Yang. JIA Bao-yu’s Reading and CAO Xue-qin’s Views on Four Books[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (9): 13-16.


    JIA Bao-yu’s Reading and CAO Xue-qin’s Views on Four Books

    • 摘要: 《四书》是大观园里书目提及最多的。贾宝玉认为《四书》是先秦哲人阐释学术思想的著述,而《四书章句集注》牵强附会,曲解经典。两者在曹雪芹的笔下与贾宝玉的心中泾渭分明,态度也大相径庭:对儒家经典《四书》充满崇敬,而对用来钻营举业的《四书章句集注》等后人注本则非常鄙弃。曹雪芹的《四书》观受到时风与家世的影响。


      Abstract: Four Books are frequently mentioned in Grand Garden. JIA Bao-yu thinks they are the works which express the academic thoughts of their pre-Qin authors. However, the book Notes to Four Books has eisegesis and distorted these classical works. Both CAO and Bao-yu treat the two quite differently. To the Confucian classic Four Books, they are full of respect. In contrast, they disdain and defy Notes to Fours Books. They think it is used to secure personal gains. CAO’s views on Four Books were deeply influenced by the vogue of the time and his familial tradition.


