Habit Formation Thought in the Teaching of Program Design Course
摘要: 针对当前程序设计课程教学中仅重视讲授知识点的不足,通过对算法、模块、风格、调试等程序设计软知识的探讨,提出应在课堂教学中培养学生良好的编程习惯和素养,以利于提高学生动手编程能力,增强课堂教学效果.Abstract: Since there exists a trend of laying too much emphasis on the explanation of knowledge facts in the teaching of programming course, an exploration is made to examine issues concerning program design in terms of algorithm, module, style and debug and so on, on basis of which the author proposes that in classroom teaching the consciousness of good programming habit should be cultivated in the students so as to improve the capabilit of programming and enhance teaching efficiency.