郑淑霞. 并行计算网络m-ary n-cube中基于概率向量的容错路由[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (8): 36-39.
    引用本文: 郑淑霞. 并行计算网络m-ary n-cube中基于概率向量的容错路由[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (8): 36-39.
    ZHENG Shu-xia. Probability-vectors-based Fault-tolerant Routing Algorithm in the Parallel Computing m-ary n-cube Networks[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (8): 36-39.
    Citation: ZHENG Shu-xia. Probability-vectors-based Fault-tolerant Routing Algorithm in the Parallel Computing m-ary n-cube Networks[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (8): 36-39.

    并行计算网络m-ary n-cube中基于概率向量的容错路由

    Probability-vectors-based Fault-tolerant Routing Algorithm in the Parallel Computing m-ary n-cube Networks

    • 摘要: 利用概率向量给出了m-ary n-cube的一种新的容错路由.为了计算这个概率向量,应该首先确定其k-级不安全结点集SkA(1≤k≤n),即从源结点出发由于顶点故障或边故障而不能通信的距离为k的目的结点.在确定这些不安全结点集SkA后,给出一个概率向量的计算方法,随后确定容错路由.


      Abstract: Probability vectors are employed to obtain a new fault-tolerant routing algorithm for the parallel m-ary n-cube networks. The k-level unsafe nodes SAk (1≤k≤n) should first be determined so as to compute this probability vectors, which means the distance failing to respond to communicative signal starting from the the source nodes, due to vertex or edge failure, is the destination node of k. The fault-tolerant routing and the probability vector algorithm are put forth after the unsafe node set SAK is determined.


