黄婷, 车茂林, 彭杰, 张莉. 自然数幂和通项公式证明的新方法[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (8): 27-29.
    引用本文: 黄婷, 车茂林, 彭杰, 张莉. 自然数幂和通项公式证明的新方法[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (8): 27-29.
    HUANG Ting, CHE Mao-lin, PENG Jie, ZHANG Li. New Method for Proving General Term Formula of a Natural Number’s Power Sum[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (8): 27-29.
    Citation: HUANG Ting, CHE Mao-lin, PENG Jie, ZHANG Li. New Method for Proving General Term Formula of a Natural Number’s Power Sum[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (8): 27-29.


    New Method for Proving General Term Formula of a Natural Number’s Power Sum

    • 摘要: 针对自然数幂和问题,利用多项式和矩阵理论,得到了一种计算自然数幂和通项公式的方法,给出了该方法的具体推导过程.此方法的优点是将自然数幂和问题转换为了线性方程组求解问题,更浅显易懂.


      Abstract: Based on the polynomial and matrix theory, a new method for calculating the general term formula of a natural number’s power sum is obtained, with its specific deducing process given in detail. The said mehtod boasts of its clever transformation of natural power sum problems into problems of finding solutions to linear equations and is easy and clear to understand.


