胡丽美. 论高师历史课程综合化改革的必要性[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 113-116.
    引用本文: 胡丽美. 论高师历史课程综合化改革的必要性[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 113-116.
    HU Limei. On the Necessity of Comprehensive Reform of History Courses in Universities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 113-116.
    Citation: HU Limei. On the Necessity of Comprehensive Reform of History Courses in Universities[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 113-116.


    On the Necessity of Comprehensive Reform of History Courses in Universities

    • 摘要: 高师历史课程改革应朝着综合化方向发展。高师历史课程的综合化改革是有效衔接基础教育历史课程改革的需要,是在全球化、现代化过程中加强国际理解教育和改革开放意识教育的需要,也是适应21世纪史学研究多样化发展的需要。


      Abstract: The reform of history courses in normal universities should be in the direction of integration. Such reform is the effective connection to the reform of history courses in fundamental education. And it is the need to strengthen the international understanding and consciousness of reform and opening in globalization and modernization as well as the need for the adaptation to the diversified development of historical studies.


