彭慧. 《晋灵公不君》释义指瑕二例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 95-97.
    引用本文: 彭慧. 《晋灵公不君》释义指瑕二例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 95-97.
    PENG Hui. Two Mistakes in Interpretation of Injustice of King Jin Linggong[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 95-97.
    Citation: PENG Hui. Two Mistakes in Interpretation of Injustice of King Jin Linggong[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 95-97.


    Two Mistakes in Interpretation of Injustice of King Jin Linggong

    • 摘要: 《晋灵公不君》是《左传》中的名篇,为多家古汉语教材所收录。然而,对于文中“君能有终,则社稷之固也”和“使尽之,而为之箪食与肉”两句的释义问题,一般教材的处理都难以差强人意。由古汉语的句法特点入手,并参照所涉词语的音义,对句中“固”、“为”二词的意义进行重新审视,指出“固”并非“巩固”,而应读为“祜”,属用字的假借;“为”则与“作”无关,应理解为“赐予、给予”。


      Abstract: Injustice of King Jin Linggong is a famous article in Zuo Zhuan, and is collected in more text books of ancient Chinese than one. However, the paraphrase in most text books of sentences “If my majesty has a good start and end, our country will be stable and safe” and “ZHAN Dun let him eat them up and asked for another basket of meat and rice” is far from satisfaction. From the syntactic features of ancient Chinese, the paper has reexamined the meanings of two words “gu” and “wei” with reference to the sound and meaning of words concerned. And it has pointed that “gu” does not mean solid and it should be “hu”, meaning blessing. And “Wei” has nothing to with “doing” and it should be understood as “giving or donating”.


