吴童. 论希腊悲剧与元代悲剧中的女性美[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 73-76.
    引用本文: 吴童. 论希腊悲剧与元代悲剧中的女性美[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 73-76.
    WU Tong. On the Feminine Beauty in Both Greek and Yuan Tragedies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 73-76.
    Citation: WU Tong. On the Feminine Beauty in Both Greek and Yuan Tragedies[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 73-76.


    On the Feminine Beauty in Both Greek and Yuan Tragedies

    • 摘要: 希腊悲剧与中国元代悲剧虽然产生的时间不一,但其中的女性形象都呈现出刚柔相济的悲剧美,面对厄运,她们都表现出与传统女性美标准背离的独立自强、意志刚毅和敢做敢为,同时又不失女性的贤德、温良与柔美。尤其在元杂剧里,女性在舞台上激情呐喊,其音,其行,其心,由远而近,由模糊到清晰,使得在历史中消隐了的女性,终于从元代悲剧文学中脱颖而出,表现了对中国古代社会“女性美”标准的背离与颠覆。


      Abstract: Though Greek tragedies and Yuan tragedies are different in their prevalent time, their female images all show their feminine beauty with silk and steel. Before their doom, they all have their self independence, strong will and bravery which are opposite to the traditional standard of beauty. At the same time, they have not lost their kindness and mildness. Especially in Yuan drama, females whoop on the stage with enthusiasm. Their sounds, behavior and minds have become clearer and clearer. This makes the females who once disappeared in history brighten themselves in Yuan tragedies, which has deviated from the female beauty standard of ancient Chinese societies.


