李见勇. 论四库馆臣的楚辞观[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 57-59.
    引用本文: 李见勇. 论四库馆臣的楚辞观[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 57-59.
    LI Jianyong. A Study of Views on Songs of Chu Held by Compilers of A Complete Library of Four Branches of Books[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 57-59.
    Citation: LI Jianyong. A Study of Views on Songs of Chu Held by Compilers of A Complete Library of Four Branches of Books[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 57-59.


    A Study of Views on Songs of Chu Held by Compilers of A Complete Library of Four Branches of Books

    • 摘要: 《四库全书总目》共收《楚辞》书目25部,在提要中,四库馆臣肯定了《楚辞》的巨大成就和屈原的崇高地位,同时明确反对将《楚辞》提高到与儒经等同的地位,注重以比兴寄托之法解读《楚辞》,主张保持《楚辞》一书的原貌,反对随意割裂和删改。


      Abstract: A Complete Library of Four Branches of Books has collected 25 entries of Songs of Chu. In their abstracts, the compilers affirm the great achievements of such songs and QU Yuan’s high status. Meanwhile, they oppose the proposition of treating them equally to Confucian books. They stress the interpretation of these songs with metaphorical and analogical ways and they hold the opinion of keeping the book’s original form and style and oppose any random deletion.


