An Interpretation of ZHANG Hua’s Evaluation on LU Ji’s Versatility
摘要: 张华对陆机甚为知赏,对其文学创作亦多批评,其中有句“才多”之评。张华“才多”之评切合陆机文学创作实际和文学理论主张,有深刻的社会文化背景和张华自身的文学风格背景,且此评对后世陆机批评产生了重要影响。Abstract: ZHANG Hua appreciated LU Ji very much and also made some evaluations on his literary creations, among which there was the word “versatility”. This evaluation was in accordance with LU Ji’s creation and his literary thoughts. Further, it had its profound social and cultural background and ZHANG’s literary background. In addition, it has exerted great influence on successors’ criticism on LU Ji.