杨凯, 熊勇. 论现代环境伦理的演进对环境法的影响[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 39-42.
    引用本文: 杨凯, 熊勇. 论现代环境伦理的演进对环境法的影响[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 39-42.
    YANG Kai, XIONG Yong. On the Influence of Modern Environmental Ethical Evolution on Environmental Law[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 39-42.
    Citation: YANG Kai, XIONG Yong. On the Influence of Modern Environmental Ethical Evolution on Environmental Law[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 39-42.


    On the Influence of Modern Environmental Ethical Evolution on Environmental Law

    • 摘要: 环境危机催生了环境运动,环境运动孕育了非人类中心主义的现代环境伦理。非人类中心主义之生态伦理观正在向传统的人类中心主义伦理观发起全面挑战。在非人类中心主义之生态伦理观影响日盛的情况下,现代环境法之哲学基础应实现从人类中心主义法律观向生态中心主义法律观的转变,调整对象应实现从调整人与人的关系向调整人与自然的关系的转变,法律主体应实现从人到非人类存在物的扩张。将法律权利主体从人类扩展至动物、非人类生命体、乃至自然物是法律发展的必然。


      Abstract: The crisis in environment has given birth to the environmental movement which has gestated the modern non-human centered environmental ethics which is challenging the human centered one. Under the increasing influence of non-human centered ethic theories, the philosophical basis of laws of modern environment should realize its transformation from the human centered view on laws to the ecology centered one. The adjustment should include the one from interpersonal relations to the relations between man and nature. The legal subjects should realize the expanse from persons to non-human existence. And it is the necessity to expand the legal subjects from human to animals, non-human beings, and even nature.


