冯利华. 清代公案侠义小说仁君形象的社会文化内涵探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 17-21.
    引用本文: 冯利华. 清代公案侠义小说仁君形象的社会文化内涵探析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (7): 17-21.
    FENG Lihua. A Probe into the Social Cultural Connotations of Enlightened Emperor Images in Chivalrous and Detective Novels of Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 17-21.
    Citation: FENG Lihua. A Probe into the Social Cultural Connotations of Enlightened Emperor Images in Chivalrous and Detective Novels of Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (7): 17-21.


    A Probe into the Social Cultural Connotations of Enlightened Emperor Images in Chivalrous and Detective Novels of Qing Dynasty

    • 摘要: 综观清代公案侠义小说,皇帝对正义事业的支持是清官与侠士顺利执法、惩奸除恶的政治基础和精神动力。《施公案》《三侠五义》《彭公案》杂采民间传说而成,塑造的明辨是非、以民为本的皇帝形象是在宋仁宗、康熙的历史原型上,主要经民间艺人根据受众心理不断虚饰、创造而成。其仁君形象反映出在儒家君道思想影响下民间形成的皇帝观念,寄寓着民间创作群体与接受群体的仁君期盼。


      Abstract: When examining the chivalrous and detective novels of Qing Dynasty, we find that the emperors’ support for the justice is a political foundation and driving force for officials and knight-errant to execute laws and punish evils. The novels Legend of Shigong Case, Legend of Three Heroes and Five Chivalrous Persons and Legend of Penggong Case all are based on the folk tales. And the emperors’ images were built after Renzong of Song Dynasty and Kangxi of Qing Dynasty. And they finally came into being after the polishing. The images of enlightened emperors have reflected the views on emperors under the influence of Taoism. And they have implied the expectations of both folklore makers and listeners or readers for enlightened emperors.


