穆键. 论《皖政辑要》的编纂体例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 65-68.
    引用本文: 穆键. 论《皖政辑要》的编纂体例[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 65-68.
    MU Jian. On the Compilation Style of Digest of Anhui Government[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 65-68.
    Citation: MU Jian. On the Compilation Style of Digest of Anhui Government[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 65-68.


    On the Compilation Style of Digest of Anhui Government

    • 摘要: 作为一部反映晚清安徽概貌的官修政书,《皖政辑要》编纂得法,在继承前人的基础上重在创新,以灵活多样的表现形式展现了历史的新貌。全书以清末中央政府新官制为纲目分为十科,其中交涉、民政、学务、农工商、邮传五科,从形式到内容均系当时首创,度支、军政两科之下子目亦多有新意。经过编纂者的精心安排,该书在篇目上破旧立新,在取材上推陈出新,从而使晚清中国社会出现的新事物得以包容,新变化得以展现。这极大地拓展了政书体的叙事空间和叙事容量,是对以往政书体例继承中的创新,因而具有了弥足珍贵的学术价值。


      Abstract: As an official book reflecting Anhui’s general pictures in late Qing Dynasty, Digest of Anhui Government is perfect in its compilation. And on the basis of inheritance, it opened up the new historical looks in various flexible ways. The book is divided into ten sections with the new official system of late Qing Dynasty, among which negotiation, civil affairs, education affairs, agriculture, industry and commerce and post are initiative either in form or in content. Under the two sections, expenditure and military, there are various sub -brunches which are also new in more aspects than one. With the careful arrangement by author, the articles broke the old forms and created new ones. And in the content, it also took the new. Accordingly, the new things appearing in late Qing Dynasty can be included in the book. And the new changes can be shown to readers. This greatly expanded the narrative space and capacitance of official-style book, which can be seen as the great innovation and hence has the important academic value.


