李志坚. 朱元璋推行学校教化浅析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 62-64.
    引用本文: 李志坚. 朱元璋推行学校教化浅析[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 62-64.
    LI Zhi-jian. An Analysis of the Implementation of School Enlightenment by ZHU Yuan -zhang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 62-64.
    Citation: LI Zhi-jian. An Analysis of the Implementation of School Enlightenment by ZHU Yuan -zhang[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 62-64.


    An Analysis of the Implementation of School Enlightenment by ZHU Yuan -zhang

    • 摘要: 朱元璋大力推行学校教化,其主要包括:学校是教化的重要条件,程朱理学是学校的指导思想,注重基层学校作用的发挥,将学校作为重要的教化场所,大力任用监生。朱元璋对学校教化的推行对明代的政治、教育等有重要影响。


      Abstract: The enlightenment was an important means of social government. And ZHU Yuan-zhang, first emperor of Ming Dynasty, made great effort to implement school enlightenment. This included emphasis of schools as an important condition of enlightenment, the CHENG and ZHU’s idealist philosophy as the guiding principle, the role of schools at grass roots, taking schools as important enlightening places, and appointment of supervisors. The ZHU’s implementation of school enlightenment had exerted great influence on the politics and education of Ming Dynasty.


