关伟. 论传统文论中“文气”说的渊源流变及内涵[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 42-45.
    引用本文: 关伟. 论传统文论中“文气”说的渊源流变及内涵[J]. 内江师范学院学报, 2011, (5): 42-45.
    GUAN Wei. ON the Origin, Evolution and Connotation of “Wenqi (writing Style)” in Traditional Literary Theories[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 42-45.
    Citation: GUAN Wei. ON the Origin, Evolution and Connotation of “Wenqi (writing Style)” in Traditional Literary Theories[J]. Journal of Neijiang Normal University, 2011, (5): 42-45.


    ON the Origin, Evolution and Connotation of “Wenqi (writing Style)” in Traditional Literary Theories

    • 摘要: "气"是中国古代哲学的最基本、最重要的范畴之一,它具有鲜明的民族特色。在传统文论史上,把哲学之"气"引入文学理论,以"气"论文,始于曹丕。后来刘勰、韩愈、苏辙、等人对此都作了论述,他们不再是空泛地讨论文学,而是有针对性地提出问题,并试图从理论与实践的结合上解决问题,这很大程度上体现了中国古代文论的承传和变易的特点。但不论何种性质的气,它都是人的一种活跃的生命力,一种独特的精神风貌,一种与众不同的个性特征的体现。"文气"说经过数代文论家的继承和革新,其内涵渐趋完善,至桐城派已发展为一个完整的理论体系。


      Abstract: “Qi” is one of the most fundamental and important categories. It has its unique national features. In the history of traditional literary theories, it was CAO Pi who first introduced this concept into literature and made comments on articles with the standard of “Qi”. And later, scholars like LIU Xie, HAN Yu, and SU Zhe all discussed it. They no longer talked about literature too generally but raised their purposeful questions and attempted to solve them with combination of theory and practice. This, to a large extent, shows the inheritance and mutation of Chinese literature. However, no matter what kind of qi it is, it is a kind of human active life force, a unique spirit and individuality. The theory of Wenqi (writing style) has undergone the inheritance and innovation of various theorists. And its connotation has gradually become perfect. And Tongcheng School have already developed it into a complete theoretical system.


